Creating IAM User group and IAM user

Creating IAM User group and IAM user


2 min read

Before jumping into how to create an IAM let's know about IAM users and why is it used

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a service to manage user access and permissions. With IAM, you can create, manage, and control multiple users within your AWS account.


By creating individual user accounts in AWS, you can ensure accountability, traceability, and security within your organization. Each user is assigned unique credentials, typically consisting of a username and password or access key, which they use to authenticate and access AWS services.

Creating 'User Group':

Firstly, search for IAM in the dashboard

To create an IAM group, we need to click on "User Groups" in the left row of the IAM dashboard. After clicking it, the following screen will appear.

Click on "Create group" on it. We can then attach the necessary policies available for this specific group or choose to create a simple group without attaching any policies.

Now, to add a user to this group we should create a user first.

Creating User:

In the left row, click on "Users" then select "Add User."

After clicking the "Add User" button, the following page will be displayed. Fill in the required details in the fields and click "Next."

Now you can see the page where you can add the created user to the specific group.

By searching for the group name in the search bar, you can easily add the user to the desired group. You can also add tags if it is mandatory within your organization.

For example, you can include tags such as "Created By" and "Environment" to provide clear information about the purpose of the user being created.

After clicking on "Create User" the user will be created, and the user's information will be provided as follows. You can now download the login link and password and send them to the user.
